Mobile Money
November 2023– October 2025

Mobile Money is launched with the aim of increasing the competences of the elderly for using Mobile Money solutions.
It will develop a Training Methodology based on “gamification” and “learning by doing” approaches, where they will be trained in a simulation, safe and friendly environment, reducing their concerns and reservations before they can use Mobile Money solutions in the real world for their own daily-live situations.
“Media and information literacy and digital competences enhancement for active aging” (MILEAGE)
February 2022 – January 2024

MILEAGE aims at creating a new and more engaging way to foster seniors’ digital skills and media and information literacy (MIL) to empower them in the use of ICT tools in everyday life (ie. e-gov, social media, streaming) and to raise awareness on digital dangers and how to face them.

March 2021 – February
AGES project objectives coincide with the European Commission Lifelong Learning Strategy, which is « Encouraging the participation of people of all ages in lifelong learning ».
Taking these statistics into account, AGES will create a number of resources to boost seniors’ inclusion. By creating an awareness on our target group about the European issues and the European level of life standards of the elderly which we are going to observe via our international meetings in which our partners are going to share their best practices, we are going to catch the European benchmarks that are shown in EU Strategical Plan.

SmartHome automation for seniors using simple DIY solutions
Duration: December 2021 – June 2024 (30 months)

Technological advances have made our daily lives easier with the tools offered by technology to manage and automate most of our daily routines related to work or home.
Although there is a wide range of services covering needs such as making sure all windows are closed, informing about intruders in the garden, turning lights on and off etc., there is no comprehensive offer that is affordable and tailored to the needs of each individual. This is the gap that the SmartHome4SENIORS project aims to fill. The project will aim to support and guide older people over 55 with basic ICT skills into the world of connected home solutions while, at the same time, young adults, seniors and volunteers will be engaged to teach their older colleagues, friends and relatives.
December 2022 – November 2024

e-engAGEd is a project of the European Commission’s « Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values » (CERV) program. The e-engAGED project, which adopts an intergenerational approach, aims to increase the digital, social and political participation of young people aged 18-25 and adults aged over 50 through the training of both audiences in media literacy, detection of misinformation and the ability to interact digitally to participate in civic and political life
February 2022 – End of January 2024

The DIGIT-GERA project aims at creating something that has not been created before, a comprehensive methodology for teachers of seniors built under an European and common approach. Partners of DIGIT-GERA project are active in many educational environments for adult education; but when it comes to providing tailor-made training programs for seniors, some of them lack the knowledge and skills to do it in a meaningful way. That is why it is important to harmonize good practices and create a critical mass of teachers and trainers able to work with seniors and to promote the acquisition of skills under the European framework for educators to also promote the upskilling of teachers and trainers; increase their mobility opportunities and their digital skills under a common umbrella.