September 2023 – August 2025

The objective of the project is to empower seniors to contribute to the fight against climate change through social media and DIY sharing. The project strives to demonstrate the seniors’ role in building a greener and more sustainable Europe, revalorize existing ecological practices and transmit the seniors’ practices to other generations by using social media. The project is set in the context of the digital gap between the generations.
October 2023 – October 2025

The main aims of the AgeinGreen project are to tackle climate change from an intergenerational perspective, to increase older people’s awareness and knowledge of climate change, and to empower them to contribute by making changes in their lives and actively participating in local communities. It should also help to improve relations between older and younger generations by working together to combat climate change
NEBULA – « New European Bauhaus in Urban and ruraL Areas »
April 2023 – April 2025

NEBULA aims to follow and encourage the New European Bauhaus (NEB) ideas promoted by the European Commission, focusing on a new model of enterprise and territorial regeneration based on sustainability, accessibility, aesthetics and inclusion. It aims to inspire young citizens to see rural and urban areas in a new light, revitalizing them and using them to create socio-economic value.
March 2022 – March 2024

The main objective of SEN4CE (Seniors for Circular Economy) is to engage and empower seniors for the green, sustainable and digital circular economy of the future, and to involve them in high quality adult education and lifelong learning. The main target group (seniors 60+ years) will be directly addressed with an adult education digital training program on circular economy that can directly be shared and used by adult education and life-long learning providers.
Green transformation of modern city environments to support community building and development of soft skills (GreenCity)
January 1st 2022 – July 30th 2023

The project’s goal is the green transformation of modern city environments by proposing outdoor activities for non-formal education such as urban gardening as a platform for education, intercultural dialogue, community building, safe lifestyles, civic inclusion, and incorporation of disadvantaged people.

The expected results are:
• the creation of a Manual focusing on using the urban garden as a place for education and socialization, as well as including good practices and positional interpretation for long term growth;
• the implementation of workshops to inspire people to volunteer in the urban gardens and socialize with their neighbors;
• improving community relations, decreased environmental risks, expanded access to nutritious foods, and a more balanced lifestyle by urban gardening.